In this podcast episode I talk to writer/artist Paolo Parisi in a crowded cafe in his home city of Rome. We touch on the Italian comics scene, festivals, underground comics, the relationship between music and comics and the flip side to freelance life as well as the upsides – one of them being the freedom to work from anywhere in the World. More about Paolo at
What’s my motivation – Comics for Beginners podcast episode 31
Why is it sometimes so hard to keep a schedule when creating content for the web? And how can we set a system in place to circumvent our fleeting motivation? That’s what I try to answer in this episode.
Comics for Beginners Podcast Episode 30 – Why We Quit
Making comics is fun – but also hard and lonely work! What do you do when you are dissatisfied with your story or your art? How do you stay motivated, when no one seems to care? How do you stay on track when you meet resistance from within? I offer some personal advice and insights in this episode.
Mentioned in this episode:
My graphic novel The Devil’s Concubine, which was almost abandoned
My crime noir graphic novel STILETTO finally available in English! Check it out at Thrillbent
Thomas Alsop vol. 1 trade paperback (collects issues 1-4)
Drawing for a Living – Podcast episode 29
Inspired by an article Molly Crappable wrote on freelance life, I sat down and had a discussion with myself about what it takes to survive as a one-man army. If you’re a struggling freelancer or considering becoming one, this episode is for you!
Molly Crabapple’s 15 rules for creative success in the Internet age
The Dark Side – Comics for Beginners Podcast episode 28
No time is more approriate for a little self- examination than the beginning of a new year. Sparked by a rather painful personal relationship issue, I dig deep and look on the dark side – not just only my own less-than-perfect psyche but also the general emotions like envy, the need to vent or the need for recognition – and what happens if we are not mindful about the vibes we’re sending out. I go through ten lessons I have learned in the past few years that hopefully helped me become a more positive influence and a happier person to boot.
The ten lessons:
- Complaining is the first step. BUT NOT A STRATEGY FOR CHANGE
- If you keep doing the same thing, you can’t expect a different result
- Negativity is not helpful
- Just because I have high expectations of myself, doesn’t mean I should have them on behalf of everyone else
- You don’t know what lies behind a success
- When you’re envious of others, it’s because there’s something there that you want
- The grass is not greener
- The need for recognition is not a hole that can be filled
- Hurtful episodes can be turned into something positive
- Being positive is just as annoying as being negative
Hopefully these painful lessons can be an inspriration and a wake up call to others.
Process, pixels and pitfalls – Comics for Beginners podcast episode 27
I got an email from a VIP subscriber who had a bunch of questions regarding his process. What program or software do you suggest for paneling or arranging the images with boarders on a computer? How much bigger should I do my drawing than the actual panel size? Is It important that all my drawings be consistent with that rule? Should I draw out panels into the page and start working on that or draw separate images and put them together on the computer?
I try to answer these and other questions in this podcast.