Making comics is fun – but also hard and lonely work! What do you do when you are dissatisfied with your story or your art? How do you stay motivated, when no one seems to care? How do you stay on track when you meet resistance from within? I offer some personal advice and insights in this episode.
Mentioned in this episode:
My graphic novel The Devil’s Concubine, which was almost abandoned
My crime noir graphic novel STILETTO finally available in English! Check it out at Thrillbent
Thomas Alsop vol. 1 trade paperback (collects issues 1-4)
Great podcast Palle. Thanks for f-ing up first for all of us. One of the things that keeps me going is hearing the struggles that others go through and have gone through. Misery loves company? I guess so.
I have abandoned my second project, 50+ pages in, mostly because I did not create a script first (and because the project was too big). Listen to Palle, boys and girls, i believe he knows what he is talking about. If I’d listened, I would have two finished short comics instead of two unfinished epic ones.
One of the biggest struggles I have is placing the same value on writing as drawing. When I am drawing, I feel like I am working on my comic. But when I am writing, I feel like I am “wasting my time,” and that my comic is not getting created. I don’t know how to stop this feeling – I can only combat it with logic and otherwise ignore it. Not everything that goes on inside our heads needs to be listened to after all.
Thanks again.
“Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his BRAIN.”
Miller’s Crossing… great movie.
Lol. It’s been so long since you’ve produced another podcast, I thought this one was about YOU quitting!
Yea, I was just logging in to put up a new episode when I saw your message. Thanks for the kick in the pants, Dave!
Inspiring! It is all I can write for now… I have to finish a project. 😀