Five limiting beliefs I used to have. Be smarter than me! Watch this video!
How do you juggle between all the different job functions you have as a freelance creator? The answer is one word but I still created a whole video about it.
What’s the point of posting weekly or even daily on Instagram? Is there a best practice to managing your online presence? In this video I give you my entire social media strategy – and it’s much more simple than you think!
How do you make the most of your creative energy? Is there an optimal set of circumstances for creating great art? Yes! But creating the perfect work day is not as easy as it sounds…
Is plot or character most important? The answer is YES! But how do you start crafting a story around a character, or come up with a main character for your awesome plot?
How do you use your own life as fodder for fictional stories? What are the do’s and dont’s of autobiography and autofiction? I don’t have the answers, so I invited a friend.
Why is it important to create a diverse cast of characters? And how is it related to the fuel that drives your story forward?
What catapults your hero from the first act into the second is often referred to as “the Inciting Incident”. But what is that exactly and how do you go about creating one?
Do you need a mentor to learn from the best? Nope! In this video we take a deep dive into some of the lessons you can extract from Belgian writer/artist Hermann.
In this video I argue that you should wallow in your lack of success!
Your worst enemy as a creative… is yourself!
What does David Lynch, Picasso and George Lucas have in common? Setting up guardrails for your creativity can have surprising benefits.
New book out! SOLO is written for people who want a sustainable career, mixing freelance work with creating and selling their own art. My promise is that diving into the tactics and strategies of this book will help you set realistic, actionable goals and give you the tools to carve out your own creative career path. You can download a 20-page sample here:
What are tangents? And why is it important for artists to be mindful of this geometrical term when they are drawing comics pages? I go over some random comics pages of mine to find tangents and cover some of the remedies and tactics for dealing with tangents in your composition.
In this video I give three book recommendations that might seem kind of left field. Nevertheless all three have had a huge impact on me and how I see myself as an artist – and as a human!
Adventure Cartoonist Lucy Bellwood talks with writer/artist Palle Schmidt about her new book 100 Demon Dialogues and gives her advice on dealing with your inner demons, tabling at cons and having a career as a creative freelancer.
As an artist you often have more ideas than you have the time and resources to complete. How do you decide what projects to do next? How do you make sure you’re not just mindlessly taking on all incoming work but stay true to your creative vision? Is strategy even a word in the artist dictionary? And what does a walk in the woods have to do with making comics?
I just got back from #WorldBookFair in New Delhi. What a show! But not everything went according to plan…
A fresh tutorial on how to create a moody piece of art from a black piece of board, simply by adding gouache and white pencil. Well, maybe not so simply but still easier than you might think! The finished piece ended up as the cover for my very first crime noir novel, “Fanden på væggen” published in Denmark by Calibat.
A vid of me painting a page of Thomas Alsop from BOOM! Studios. Hopefully some helpful tips here. More on the book at
I’ve just finished my work on the monthly book from BOOM!, Thomas Alsop. This video is about some of the lessons I learned working on that book – hopefully there is some value in it for you too!
A look on what I’ve been up to the past year or so in terms of making comics, illustration work and my own writing.
Is there a right way to hold a pen or a pencil when you draw? One of my YouTube channel followers seems to think so. And it’s NOT how I hold a pencil!
Another look into the my process as I sketch a page of Thomas Alsop (out now from BOOM! Studios). For more on Thomas Alsop go to
When you’re making comics as painted art, getting the borders and balloons nice and black can be tricky. I found a workaround that I share in this quick tip.
A quick recommendation of three books to read for a better grasp on storytelling, structure and sequential art.
A timelapse vid of me “inking” a page of the upcoming book Thomas Alsop from BOOM! Studios.
What are the “right” tools for making comics? Luckily there is no answer set in stone, you can use whatever tools you feel most comfortable with! In this video I demonstrate some of what I use – see if you can get some inspiration from that.
An introduction to the new BONUS VIDEO format. Luckily the weather has gotten better since I recorded this!
Getting from story to comic book pages can be a daunting task. What is the process behind breaking the script down into pages and breaking pages down into panels? How do you decide on the best possible way to tell your story in pictures? How do you avoid the fear of the blank page? In this episode, Palle covers all the basics in page layouts and how to plan out your story, including thumbnails, establishing shots, cliffhangers, thumbnails, splash pages and bleed – and some pitfalls to be aware of. The rest of this video series can be found at
How is writing for comics different than other mediums? What does a script look like? And how do you structure and plan your story? In this second episode of Comics For Beginners, writer/artist Palle Schmidt goes over the basics of storytelling and how to write a script for your comic. Covering topics like three act structure, script format and the advantages of asking for input from a group of readers and questions you need to ask yourself, like “what’s at stake for your main character?” Better get out your notebook and keep your finger on the pause button, this video covers a lot of important ground! The rest of this video series can be found at
How to write and draw comics! Writer/artist Palle Schmidt takes you through the basics of making comics, from story idea to finished pages. In this first of ten episodes, you will learn how to structure and plan ahead, so your story doesn’t end up in the ditch. The rest of this video series can be found at