Here is a little selection of the questions I get asked a lot. If your question is not covered, comment below or send a message through the contact page.
What can I learn from these videos?
Everything about making comics, from start to finish – writing, script breakdowns, thumbnails, character design, backgrounds, layouts, perspective, sketching, inking and coloring. The videos are stock full of pro tips, delivered in an highly comprehensible format.
Why do I have to pay to see these videos?
High quality content costs time and money to produce. I’ve made video access as cheap as possible, so anyone can afford it. And the payment option helps keep the site ad-free.
Who is Palle Schmidt?
I am a Danish writer, illustrator and comic book artist and I’ve worked professionally since 1998. My first US graphic novel The Devil’s Concubine was published by IDW in 2011 and I’m currently drawing the creator-owned monthly book Thomas Alsop from BOOM! Studios. I blog at
Can I get my money back if I don’t like the content?
Yes. I have a 30 day no-hassle no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Just contact me through the site and consider it done (I’d appreciate a little feedback if possible).
Is the transaction safe?
Absolutely. It’s all handled by PayPal. I only see your email adress and that info stays with me.
If I’m a pro, is this program for me?
As the videos cover all the basics of making comics, and is full of pro tips, it’s very likely you’ll pick up a trick or two. But as the title suggests, the target group is beginners.
What is the difference between using Photoshop to color and coloring manually
Well, the big difference is the ability to do corrections in Photoshop while you work. And your line art can stay crisp and clean no matter how much color you apply.
I always recommend Photoshop to beginners, because it let’s you keep your original and you get to play around with the colors until you’re satisfied. That you can change the entire hue or background color along the way is extremely helpful, when you don’t really know what you’re doing. And the result is often surprisingly good.
That said, I actually prefer painting in watercolor. I’m no longer afraid of ruining pieces, but for years and years the process was full of fear and very frustrating. Now I like the permanent nature of it – and the lucky accidents that sometime come from the brushwork.
I think you should color comics in any way that comes natural to you, as long as you like the end result and it doesn’t take a week to finish a page 🙂
Best of luck!
Thanks Palle,
By the way I’d you find yourself on Facebook check it Artitudes Comics
Hi Palle!
So, I finally leveled up to premium!!!
I just wanted to go premium since september when I first found your magnificent website and tutorials, but the family economics needed the money first so I had to wait. But, happily I’ve found today’s discount and I’ve seen the light!!!
Well, thanks in advance for all the free content, because it’s been really helpful and inspiring. I have been following your 8 steps to be a successful comic book artist since day one, and now I’ve just finished writing, composing, drawing and inking a 23 page short story. And now I want to color it up. I really wanted to see the coloring tutorial, and, lucky me, today it happens to be Black Friday (by the way, we don’t have that here, in Spain).
But I’ve got a question that maybe you’ve answered before -so, my apologies for that-. I was wondering , do you do some kind of mentorship? Do you give some practical advice if any of us beginners send you some samples of our work? Or do you give any sort of guidance for a proper evolution to become a pro? (well, in fact these make a total of three questions, not one!! :{ )
Thanks in advance Palle!!
You’re a light at the end of a tunnel!!!! 🙂
Xavier LeRouge
Thanks, Xavier. I’m glad to see you get in “for real”! We don’t have Black Friday here either (except I did notice signs announcing Black Friday sales today, never seen that before) but I figured since everyone else is doing it, why not. Lots of people took advantage already, and the night is still young 🙂
As for your question of mentorship or personal feedback, it’s definetely something to consider doing in the future. I am trying not to spread myself too thin!
Thanks again for your comment, I’m honored you would consider me a light at the end of the tunnel – makes it all worth it!
is the one week course at my own pace, or should it be a week were I can fully work on it without any other distractions like school
Hey Deven,
The 7-day crash course can be done at your own pace, anytime. The idea is to not be overwhelmed by the task of creating a comic, but breaking it down into manageable chunks. I’d say each daily task should be doable in 1-4 hours. Hope this answers your question!
Hej Palle
Tak for alle dine super videoer, podcasts og plotcasts – det er enormt inspirerende.
Jeg læste din fantastiske bog SOLO i efteråret, og nu er jeg en succes hver dag, fordi jeg får tegnet hver dag ;o) (for indviede se side 245…) . Heldigvis fik jeg den også i julegave, så jeg kan skrive mine små noter i den.
Så jeg synes, det er synd, du ikke reklamerer for den her på comics for beginners, da der er rigtig meget at lære fra den, selv om man ikke stiler efter at blive freelancer.
– kunstpingvinen
Hej Lotte, tak for de pæne ord!
Jeg har ikke reklameret for SOLO her, fordi langt de fleste brugere er engelsktalende. Men lad os nu se, om ikke der kommer en US edition på et tidspunkt 🙂
MVH Palle